Citizen Outreach joins coalition to repeal FATCA

(Washington, D.C.) – A coalition of 23 taxpayer protection and grassroots organizations sent a letter today urging Congressional leadership to include repeal of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) as part of comprehensive tax reform. Co-authored by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity and the Campaign to Repeal FATCA, the letter highlights the path of destruction […]

PROMESA Promises Made, Not Being Kept by Puerto Rico

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 20, 2017 (Las Vegas, NV) – Today Citizen Outreach submitted a letter to Congressman Mark Meadows and members of the House Freedom Caucus expressing concern over failures by Puerto Rico’s government to live up to requirements outlined in the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA).

Group wants Las Vegas council to put trash contract up for bid

(Nicole Raz | Las Vegas Review-Journal) – A citizens group launched a petition Wednesday urging the Las Vegas City Council to put its waste-hauling contract out for public bid. Republic Services of Southern Nevada is currently the only waste-management company allowed to handle residential trash in the city of Las Vegas — and has been […]